
Sebastian Oberlohr

Bombed during furlough
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
I had then - in 1944 because I had to indent. And then - then I'm on 20 January 1945, I had the first vacation, home leave. And that was three days before we were sold to Yugoslavia. And that's on 20 January 1945 afternoon - lunch for half a clock fell 17 bombs in our house, around the house. And there were three dead, two seriously injured, farm buildings was on the ground. Yes, and the kids have it - the bomb directly into the heart of the children, who tore it that you have known them any more. We have had body parts zusammengeklaubt while cleaning and has a large cardboard body parts then down to the cemetery. Yes. There has been no industry and nothing. This will be the - that's - that would have not known, but the - an air force officer has said that between 3000 Bergen often poor air vents - because we told it. Then he said: "Yes, give it to poor air spaces between the 3000-Bergen." And it was so with the first bombs, he fell in May 1944 - that were 500-pound bombs. They have made a lumbering, over there the strip up. Yes, and the holes are dug, you could have put in a Heuschupfe. And over there, that was then on 20 January 1945 - there was quite a bit of snow. And otherwise it would have had our house - and the two bombs that .. just before the house have been, four to go, five yards further, we would have them on the dinner table - it would have wiped out the entire family was home. Since only the two brothers who were at war, would remain. And the servant was still at war. We would have been gone, is logical. We would have torn it as it has torn up the children. Yes. How did I come to the first child, I thought: "Yes, because what is there for a dog?" We have a dog. Sun jerked and twitched, and so a black body. And then I got there, I've seen, the head was down inside and braids - once the children have had braids that Gretelfrisur, as they call it today, tell the guests .. And since I have seen so hang a braid - is indeed a child! Since no more foot was in it, there was no arm more to it, was the mere trunk. And the other two were about equal. And there was the bomb in the middle of the children by the barn - who were in the barn, and have been waiting for the other children, those from below - from us, we have had boarders children of the miners. And they have been waiting for our children, because on the way to school. Because the school was just down there.